Emerging Manager Well-Being: 3 Ways to Minimize Burn-Out

Early-stage venture investing is primarily about people. Founders demand more than capital from their investors— the strong ones are looking for strategic partners who can add value to augment their operational efforts. Furthermore, the early-stage venture landscape is increasingly saturated with competition, with larger players also moving into earlier rounds.

Therefore, there are no short-cuts for emerging fund managers to solidify their position in the venture ecosystem— managers must:

  • Build relationships at scale.

  • Source investment opportunities.

  • Support the founder ecosystem.

  • Raise capital from LPs.

… the list goes on. 

As such, just like founders, investors and VCs are incredibly susceptible to burn-out too— working long hours, travel on the word, time away from family, etc. 

Emerging fund managers must also be thoughtful about their well-being. Here are 3 things emerging managers can do to rejuvenate and recover without investing significant amounts of your time:

  1. Float in a sensory deprivation tank— you position yourself in a soundproof pod filled with 10 inches of saline water and, you float in the dark effortlessly. Epsom salts contain magnesium, an essential mineral that is known to help improve muscle function and reduce fatigue. An hour in the tank can be equivalent to a few hours of deep sleep. 

  2. Practice conscious breathing— you can go for about three weeks without food, three days without water, three hours without shelter, and three minutes without oxygenated air. The great thing about breathwork— once you learn it, it costs nothing to practice! If you have an Apple Watch— the breath app will remind you to take a minute to focus on your breath. 

  3. Get a massage— massages help relieve muscular tension, improve circulation, and promote general relaxation— you might even doze off during your treatment.