
Fundraising: 4 Tips for a Successful Early-Stage Fundraise

Fundraising: 4 Tips for a Successful Early-Stage Fundraise

Due to the fast-paced nature of startups, founders don’t always have the luxury of taking their time when pitching potential VCs. So, how do you balance the components of speed and diligence while fundraising? Here are four tips to help you find the right investors quickly and secure the funds you need to scale so you can go back to building your business:

Powering the Future of Aviation: Alex Mans

Powering the Future of Aviation: Alex Mans

Even before founding and building FLYR, Alex has been building software and hardware products since 2007. In this interview, Alex takes us through his journey of entrepreneurship. But more importantly, he talks about the advantages and opportunities of solving the really hard things that no one else is!

Patterns of Inevitability in Tech and Blockchain: Jack O’Holleran

Patterns of Inevitability in Tech and Blockchain: Jack O’Holleran

Today's guest is Jack O’Holleran, serial entrepreneur, and Co-founder and CEO at SKALE Labs. In this exciting interview, Jack takes us on an engaging journey of entrepreneurship— the inevitability of technology, and, the growth mindset behind building or achieving anything new!

Fundraising Frame: 30 Questions to Answer Before You Raise Your Series A/B

Fundraising Frame:  30 Questions to Answer Before You Raise Your Series A/B

Having helped founders raise capital at the early and early-growth stages of their companies— Pre-seed to Series C— we have had the opportunity to dive deep into many facets of their businesses. The following 30 questions are designed to help you present your company in words— a story that helps other stakeholders see what you see.

Founder Potential: Strong Roots & The Invisible Barriers of Belonging

Founder Potential: Strong Roots & The Invisible Barriers of Belonging

Most founders and investors in tech have their opinion on what traits are exemplary of top founders. In this post, we will first summarize specifically what those common traits and threads are. We will cover a bit about historical patterns (e.g., upbringing, initial living conditions, etc.) and psychological patterns (i.e., how they ‘think’). Second, we will discuss the invisible barriers of belonging and beliefs that inhibit their potential as they grow and evolve.

Superhumans Behind Superhuman: Vivek Sodera

Superhumans Behind Superhuman: Vivek Sodera

Today's guest is Vivek Sodera, Co-Founder at Superhuman, the fastest email client in the world. Vivek’s journey as a serial entrepreneur is packed with humble insights that come from a deep respect for the ‘art of the start’ and beyond. If you too are a passionate operator and team-builder, you will feel a strong kinship with Vivek.

‘Being’ In The Business of Building: Tracy Lawrence

 ‘Being’ In The Business of Building: Tracy Lawrence

Tracy is a unique founder with truthful insights about startup life— before, during, and after! If you want hardcore tactics and strategies, this video interview isn't for you. But if you want to explore how the softer, subtle human needs move and shape startups— you'll enjoy this!