
5 Ways First-Time Founders Can Maximize Their Productivity

5 Ways First-Time Founders Can Maximize Their Productivity

As first-time founders know too well, there are only so many hours in the day. Taking their startups to the next level requires them to work productively — and not just be busy for the sake of being busy. To this end, we’ve developed a five-step productivity cycle that founders can use to supercharge productivity and make sure the right things are getting done.

Productive Vs. Busy: The Difference

Productive Vs. Busy: The Difference

There is a distinction between the habit of being productive and being busy —

  1. Being busy is activity-based execution with no direction.

  2. Being productive means executing the activities that bring you closer to the experience of personal and professional fulfillment.

So, review your activities and ask yourself:

  • What will completing those activities do for me?

  • What end result or goal do they lead me to?

Strategic Productivity: How to Maximize Your Throughput Without Feeling Drained

Strategic Productivity: How to Maximize Your Throughput  Without Feeling Drained

There is a distinction between the habit of being productive and being busy — being busy is activity-based execution with no direction, and being productive means executing the activities that bring you closer to the experience of personal and professional fulfillment. Busy-ness diminishes your well-being, while true productivity enriches you from the inside out.

At Valence Advisory, we've put together a simple 5-point productivity cycle that will help you:

  • Focus on the work you find rewarding and enjoyable.

  • Lead, manage, and foster reports, helping them develop a stronger immune response to ‘productivity theater.’

  • Feel clearer, more confident, and in control.