emerging fund managers

Placing Founders at The Center of Your Efforts: Miles Lasater of Purpose Built Ventures

Placing Founders at The Center of Your Efforts: Miles Lasater of Purpose Built Ventures

Today’s guest is Miles Lasater, serial founder turned investor and the founding partner at Purpose Built Ventures. As a founder, he helped Higher One scale to over $200MM in revenue and eventually, a public offering. In this interview, Miles shares his journey as a founder turned investor and illuminates insights from having experience on both sides of the venture capital marketplace!

Emerging VC Fund Managers: 6 Things LPs Don't Want to See…

Emerging VC Fund Managers: 6 Things LPs Don't Want to See…

Most LPs will want to get to know you over time before committing capital, there are a few 'watch-its' when engaging with LPs. In the early days, your goal for LP meetings is to secure the next meeting to continue building the relationship. Therefore, you do not want unnecessarily and unintentionally trigger alarm bells, which will close the door on the relationship. In this post, we share six things LPs don't want to see in emerging fund managers— we also share what they would prefer to see instead.