Personal Bias: How to Identify Yours and Work With It in Real-Time

Personal Bias: How to Identify Yours and Work With It in Real-Time

The human brain is an association, meaning-making machine. We make meaning every day about everything— for better or worse. The meaning we make about our sensory-observations— what we perceive using our five senses: visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), kinesthetic (feeling), olfactory (smelling), gustatory (tasting) — governs our experience of a situation and how we respond. And, these meanings we assign typically happen at the speed of thought— unless we consciously take a breath, reflect on our internal thoughts, and analyze them.

Navigating the Waters of Fintech: Logan Allin of Fin VC

Navigating the Waters of Fintech: Logan Allin of Fin VC

Today’s guest is Logan Allin, Founder and Managing Partner at Fin Venture Capital (Fin VC). Before becoming a full-time investor, he patiently dedicated his career as an operator in financial services, and, advising numerous fintech companies such as SoFi and Addepar, to name a few. He understands the enterprise landscape of the fintech industry, opportunities, and just as importantly, how to align and move key stakeholders.

Culture Design 101: Behavioral Specificity > Wordsmithing Values

Culture Design 101: Behavioral Specificity > Wordsmithing Values

Open any company website and read what they value— it could be in their ‘About Us’ page or on their ‘Job Descriptions’ pages. Likely, you will find single words or catchy phrases that describe their culture, who they are, and how they operate. However, if it is not clear what specific behaviors your company values and expects, then people are left to their interpretations and personal biases of what behaviors are expected of them.

Anatomical Insights On Early-Stage Venture Investing: Greg Sands of Costanoa Ventures

Anatomical Insights  On Early-Stage Venture Investing: Greg Sands of Costanoa Ventures

Today’s guest is Greg Sands, Founder and Managing Partner at Costanoa Ventures, a boutique, early-stage VC firm. Interesting fact: Greg was the first product manager at Netscape and coined the name for the company! In this video interview, Greg shares his decades-worth of learnings and discoveries in tech.

Psychological Safety 101: 3 Simple Ways to Build Psychological Safety, In-Person and In-Writing.

Psychological Safety 101: 3 Simple Ways to Build Psychological Safety, In-Person and In-Writing.

Think of the person (real or imaginary) you most fear approaching you. As they approach you, you might notice your heart beating faster, your breath shortening, and your palms are sweating.

Now, consider the likelihood that this person wants to congratulate you on a job well done, and treat you to lunch to celebrate— “That’ll never happen!” you might think. However, this happens all the time…

Building a High-Performing Distributed Team By Choice (Not Necessity): Robert Fenton of Qualio

Building a High-Performing Distributed Team By Choice (Not Necessity): Robert Fenton of Qualio

Today’s guest is Robert Fenton, Founder and CEO @Qualio, a company that is providing the tech-driven quality operating system for modern life sciences companies— no small undertaking! In this interview, Robert shares his journey as an immigrant founder and some of his stories just simply couldn’t have been scripted better! 

How to Deliver Candid, Threat-Free Feedback

How to Deliver Candid, Threat-Free Feedback

Almost nobody wakes up with the conscious intention to perform poorly in life. However, often, people’s behaviors and communications are misinterpreted as being lazy, unclear, and full of ‘excuses.’

Furthermore, almost nobody wakes up with the intention to help others feel they are performing poorly as possible in life. However, often, people’s behaviors and communications are misinterpreted as being attacks, rude, and diminishing.